
26. April

My mother and sister came to town for a surprise weekend trip. To be honest I really wasn’t looking forward to that. I felt like they were intruding my secret domain. It felt like I was taken out of my dream-world and now I had to pretend to be all ordinary. It really stressed me out. I even asked Mr N. for advice, like what kind story I should make up, after all, they surely wanted to see where I work and so forth. Mr N. was so nice and helped me come up with a good cover story and he even had an address to a fake office building that was owned by one of his associates. It was downtown, so we easily could drive by with the tram for a little show and tell. He said: “parents, you just gotta tell them what they want to hear, that you are having an office job, a man, a house... basically, that you are miserable and contained like the rest of them....” Yes, contained in a box of social morality, that’s what they want for you. So you’re better off lying to make them happy.

Anyway, me and sis had a good time. We drove everywhere by tram, I mean I couldn’t really reveal what a big spender I had become, right? They would be suspicious. So we went shopping, dining, to the museum and I told them a little bit about Alex, like, that I am dating him and that he is really cute. Of course mum complained that he was just a bartender, yeah, she always does that. At least there is a guy to talk about. Imagine if I would have told her about Jamie. If only she knew.  But sure, we did have a nice few days...

(c) I am Ruthless

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